Yoga teacher at the Hotel biYou.
Your. companions.
With a lot of experience, know-how and passion, our yoga teachers accompany you on your path to inner harmony. The programs are individually tailored to the needs of all participants. This means that you are guaranteed to feel good from the very first moment. Our team of yoga teachers ensures that you have valuable experiences that will continue to give you strength even after your stay with us at the biYou Ecoquartier.
Karin Seebacher
My yoga style is unconventional. I would like to convey a feeling where it is about more than just perfect alignment, but rather just about your flowing sense. My yoga journey began in India. My training as a qualified Hatha yoga teacher at the Arhanta Yoga Ashram also marked the beginning of our hotel's new path. With my knowledge of yoga therapy and health yoga, I specifically address the needs of the West, which are often characterized by stress and long periods of sitting.
Heidi Thaler
I am Heidi Thaler, an enthusiastic yoga teacher and mental trainer. My deep connection to nature and my sunny mindset shape each of my lessons. Barefoot through the world, sporty and full of joie de vivre - this is how I enjoy life and I like to share this joy with you. My goal is to inspire you to embrace your life with love, laughter and gratitude.
Ursula Krauße (Sula)
For me, yoga is much more than just physical exercise; it is an inexhaustible universe of inspiration. Especially in stressful times, yoga brings us back to the "here and now". In the words of Patanjali: "Yoga is the calming of the movements in the mind." In my Hatha yoga classes, I carefully guide you to healthy asanas and conscious breathing techniques. With changing themes, you can deepen and grow your yoga practice. In the relaxation phases, I like to use mind journeys and progressive muscle relaxation according to Jakobsen.
Elke Hubner
I learned to love yoga in order to find my inner balance in the face of life's challenges. I strengthen my body and mind through meditation, breathing exercises and posture, as well as the final relaxation. After a yoga class, I feel balanced and light. It gives me great joy to share this wonderful feeling with the participants of the yoga classes.
Sabrina Walcher
Yoga is a journey to yourself, a way to recognize your true needs. On the mat, you give yourself the time to listen to yourself and give your body and mind space. This way, your practice becomes a mirror of your everyday life. Yoga is a process of letting go that makes your mind more flexible and leads you to clarity. Whether through regenerating Yin Yoga or powerful Vinyasa - with me you will find the space to arrive at yourself.
Lisa Stocker
Mein Name ist Lisa und ich kombiniere Yoga mit individuell gestalteten Events. Mit Joyful Journeys biete ich einzigartige Erlebnisse an, die Körper und Geist inspirieren – von Yoga & Räucherworkshops bis zu Yoga & Brunch und anderen kreativen Themen. Seit sechs Jahren praktiziere ich Yoga und habe meine Ausbildung in Salzburg abgeschlossen. Ich unterrichte dynamische Yoga-Flows, die kräftigend, meditativ und entspannend wirken. Mein Fokus liegt darauf, dass du dich in meinen Einheiten wohlfühlst und deinen eigenen Rhythmus findest.
Wichtig ist mir, dass du auf deinen Körper hörst und die Praxis individuell gestaltest. Ich freue mich, dich bei einem meiner Events zu begrüßen und gemeinsam diese Reise zu erleben!